Q3 2022 Jul-Sep
Released new feature: Link History
Users can now track all changes to the shortlink since creation, which includes changes to original link URL, the link status, the link tags & the link owners.
Added emails from @pca.sg, @whc.com.sg & @scri.cris.sg to the list of whitelisted email domains for ForSG
Q4 2022 Oct-Dec
Released new feature: Link Tagging
Users can now note down details about their shortlinks & make it easy to locate related shortlinks that have the same tag.
Released new feature: External APIs
Users can now generate & utilise ForSG APIs to get/create/update shortlinks.
Added emails from @singhealth.com.sg to the list of whitelisted email domains for ForSG
Released new feature: Bulk Link Creation
Users can now create up to 1000 shortlinks at once with the upload of a single .csv file.
Q1 2023 Jan-Mar
Updated our existing File Sharing feature:
Increased file size limit per shortlink to 20mb
Q2 2023 Apr-Jun
Updated our existing File Sharing feature:
Added 'zip' files to the list of accepted file types
Disabled uploading of password-protected files
Last updated