File Sharing

The file sharing feature on ForSG allows healthcare professionals to host their files and share them with members of the public. With the file sharing feature, you don’t have to upload your files to Dropbox, Google Drive, or any external file hosting service and shorten these links on ForSG.

Only share files that are meant to be public.

How do I share files?

When you’re creating a link, you will see three options (To a URL, To a File or From a .csv).

  1. Click on the “To a File” option

  2. Upload your file by clicking the "Browse" button and selecting your file

  3. Set a custom short link to your file & click on "Create"

Please note that for larger file sizes >10mb, it can take up to 20-30 seconds for your file to be scanned and successfully uploaded.

Once created, the long link of the file will be

How do I replace my file?

To replace your file, simply select the link of the file, click on Replace file button and upload a new file. Note that the shortlink and the link to the file will remain the same after replacement.

Why did my file upload fail?

  1. Your file size exceeds 20mb. Only file sizes up to 20mb are accepted for upload.

  2. Your file type does not fall under our list of supported file types:

    • PDF files: ‘pdf’ Microsoft applications files: ‘docx’, ‘pptx’, ‘xlsx’ Image files: ‘bmp’, ‘gif’, ‘jpeg’, ‘png’

    • Note: Older formats of Microsoft files (’doc’, ‘ppt’ & ‘xls’) are NOT accepted, please change the file type to the above accepted formats prior to uploading them. You can find out more about how to save files into different formats on Microsoft’s support page here.

  3. Your file is password-protected.

    • Password-protected files are not accepted for upload as of 30th May 2023.

  4. Your file contains malicious content and it failed our antivirus scanning.

    • Please notify your security team or CIO if your file has been flagged as insecure on ForSG.

Last updated